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- Align for Transition
Align for Transition
Make it So
January 2025 - Metaphysical Musings
For good or bad, 2024 was an impactful year. My hopes are that the unique transit patterns of 2025 will take us , and I mean all of us, in some new directions. For those on the spiritual path, we are in anxious preparation of what’s next. Let me outline the significant transits upcoming for 2025 and I will dive more into the month of January.
2025 Power Points
Outer planets Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will all turn signs and be in the early degrees of new ones…all fire & air signs as well. This will be a high degree of action and mental stimulation as well as initiation or new beginnings. It would be very helpful for those that know their exact birth charts to note where these points hit.
Neptune enters 0 degrees of Aries on March 30
Uranus enters 0 degrees of Gemini on July 7
Saturn enters 0 degrees of Aries on May 25
Pluto continues at 1-3 degrees of Aquarius - a 20 year cycle in Aquarius
What makes this so fascinating is this particular line up of outer planets all starting new energies at once has not happened in the past 2000 years if not ever. These planets affect the collective as well as Mother Earth with a new level of consciousness. Note that all 4 are in beginning degrees of their respective signs, indicating new cycles and change of energies. More details will be supplied on future Muse publications, but 2025 will be a transition year to get the feel of these changes as they become more impactful in 2026.
In January we open with 3 planets in retrograde motion. Mars still in Leo will return to 29 degrees of Cancer ( on 1/6/25) and remain in that sign until April. Mars in Cancer is a very emotional placement and brings us to action around our home and security placements. Expect feelings from the past to be triggered. Jupiter continues retrograde motion in Gemini, stirring up discussion about our beliefs around politics, religion and global issues. Expect continue to observe overload of information and use your best discernment to sense what is true or not for you.
Uranus takes a final step in direct motion on 1/30 in the sign of Taurus. The great disruptor will now start to put plans in motion to shake up our values once again. Grounding of new electrical energy will be important until this planet changes sign in its 7 year transit in Gemini. The elevated discussion around Bitcoin and digital currency could also see some unexpected announcements.
Before we can get to zero degrees of 3 planets , they will wrap up their work on shaking your values/self-worth, saying goodbye to structures that used to support you and finding your spiritual footing. You will be left to fly on you own very soon and finding your way will indeed be up to you! Fun and scary all at once. Overall January is still a month of preparation, not initiation. Get clear on your goals.
By degree, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto will form a mini-Grand Trine, lining up the final clean up old collective patterns that are ready for their upgrade. Pluto will be conjunct the Sun for the 3rd week of January, which happens to coincide with the US Inauguration, falling on 1/20/25. The 47th President of the USA will be sworn in and have a notable impact.
As astrology will have it , the US President is always sworn in on the first day of Sun sign Aquarius , the sign of independence and freedom. I have always believed that the fore-fathers were familiar with astrology and many of them were Masons. In 2025, for the first time in history the Sun will be conjunct Pluto in Aquarius and also in wide opposition to Mars, the warrior planet. The chart below is also the mundane job chart for whomever is sworn in that day. Anytime a chart is calculated at noon, the Sun ( leaders and rulers) will be close to the Midheaven - the top of the chart & public image point on a chart. This certainly indicates a strong dominate leader who is willing to go to war or at least need to balance aggression and possible violence, due to the connection with Pluto and Mars. As Scorpio rules his 7th house cusp, he will be waging battles with others as well.
The other important aspect is the Grand Cross in cardinal signs between Mercury, Chiron, Mars and the Moon. Lots of talk, debates, change of directions in an attempt for healing. Mars does not perform well in the sign of Cancer or in retrograde motion. I suspect there may be some frustrations on the way to bringing about change. With Uranus in the first house, a unique and disruptive energy may be a large part of the administration. With Taurus rising some sound stability may be a balancing factor to the bolts of change.
1/20/2025, 12:00pm, Washington, DC
Art by Joe Gilronan
Animals as Messengers
I admit I have been enamored by red foxes for some time now. As an observer it means there is a message there. The animal kingdom has much to offer. Jody Bergsma has a beautiful deck of Oracle cards called “Spirit of the Animals”. The Fox is a creature of cunning, cleverness, shapeshifter and magician. Fox has a strong sense of smell and sharp eyesight. These skills alert Fox people to unpleasant situations. Give yourself permission to slip away from things that don’t look , smell or feel right.
The coming years will ask of you to navigate with your senses including that Neptunian 6th sense. Be like the Fox…..it is cunning and intuition that will serve you best in early 2025…Listen!
The world that we are leaving behind has found ways to keep us silent, distracted, too busy to really pay attention to what is going on. Too many have greatly profited by our inattention and willingness to allow others to make decisions without our input. Find your balance between your inner world and begin to create the outer world that really serves and empowers you. You might be astounded how easy it can be. As we develop our creative intentions , see yourself as a magician, the first card of the Tarot deck. This is where we start when we have cleared out the old and are ready to plant new powerful seeds for our future!