Come Together

Shifting Communications

  December 2024 - Metaphysical Musings

Image by Peter Max

Astrology Speaks Many Languages

December promises to be a month of directional changes, passion, realistic views of relationships and acceptance. The personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars are connecting on and off with outer planets and each other. In particular , Mercury in Sagittarius continues in retrograde motion and squares Saturn for the first week of the month. This promotes negative and limited thinking and possible travel frustrations. Mercury will go direct on 12/15 and remain in its shadow for the remainder of the month. Expect back-tracking in communications and facts. Sagittarius can be prone to exaggeration so please use discretion.

Venus will be pushed to get our needs & values met and argue for what we want thanks to Venus/Mars opposition and Venus /Pluto conjunction early in the month. Women’s rights are wrapped up in the mix. These are passionate energies.

Mercury the communicator while retrograde is opposing Jupiter and square Saturn. ( all mutable signs) This is a changeable energy wanting debates over beliefs while being constrained with a limited thinking - maybe an old way of using our logical mind to decipher our reality. You get the picture that it will be challenging to stay out of the fray, but awareness always makes the difference.

Let’s tie this to the election results now that the votes were tallied. First, let me address why so many astrologers, including myself did not see the outcome. This really comes back to our beliefs and what we wanted. We are truly a nation divided and angry, very angry at the limited quality of life many Americans live with while watching the unbalance of wealth continue on totally unchecked. Although Pluto has entered a new era in the sign of Aquarius, there is still unfinished business within the Mars -Pluto opposition. Pluto rules power, which is frequently done through wealth and the ability to influence.

At this point those of great wealth in many countries but particularly the USA will do whatever it takes to stay in control. Sharing with all is not on their list of values. This opposition seeks balance and will fire up rage for another 4 months, ( until April 27) until Mars finishes its journey in Leo, the fiery energy of passion, ego and personal self expression. It is no coincidence that Mars will retrograde on 12/6 and return to the sign of Cancer - the sun sign of the USA and common citizens. Mars will rejoin the US natal Mercury ( opposite Pluto) on 1/24. This aspect could ask for more heated discussion with those in power.

It is time to evolve leadership to become more relationally attuned and oriented, shifting from power over to power with , working with all in community. This is the energy of Pluto in Aquarius ! My friends, empower yourself and speak up, this is not a time to roll over and comply. Use your energy and visualization to embrace freedom and independence to create a new reality. Do not accept hate, abuse and greed of misaligned leadership. ( some rants are OK!)

Pluto is also about reinvention, deep metamorphosis and purging of hidden power plays. The influence of the opposition will continue to exercise the levers of power for several more months. Revolution and new outcomes take time. Other outcomes and changes may well continue in our desire for democracy and understanding that our selfish values and behaviors regarding collective issues must stop. What happens when we are asked to pay a bit more for some program to improve the environment, or try to increase taxes on the wealthy to give back to society? It is usually shut down. Period.

In summary I say…the story may not be fully over.

On 12/7, Neptune will go direct for the final time in its ruling sign of Pisces at 27 degrees. Neptune has been a source of increased fear, anxiety, drug use …but also increased levels of consciousness and connection to spirit depending how you have chosen to use the energy. It is also the ruler of secrets and deceptions. When Neptune goes direct after being retrograde it may reveal things that have been hidden. With increased consciousness and awareness, it implies new information on a psychic level to shift the energy. As we learn discernment through your individual intuition we will be less likely to be manipulated.

FULL Moon on December 15th

Full Moon 12/15/24, 4:02am, Gig Harbor, WA

This is a promising Full Moon chart with 2 Kite patterns & one T-square, Neptune , Sun and the Moon. Kite patterns are relatively uncommon, but in this case signal resolution in easier communication and easing the power opposition. In fire signs . The nodes are also involved in the dynamic between the signs of Libra and Aries.. The dance between me vs. others wants to be resolved and we are being asked to mediate through speaking our truth. The Neptune square is adding the elixir of consciousness into the Full Moon planets to bring mystical insights to the process.

Full Moon energy bring closure to some standing issue between the signs involved. In the sign of Sagittarius vs. Gemini, we must come to some agreement between what we read, our educational beliefs and sense of justice. These are Fire and Air signs making frank communications center stage.

Random Musings on loss and how we go forward

Many of us are processing personal and collective loss of many things we used to have. Security, privacy, clean water and food and mostly connection to one another. Technology has slowly crept into our lives and de-personalized many daily interactions of the past. It is our job to take the good benefits but be cognizant of the negative impact to our mental health and relationships.

  • Can you start reconnecting with others if you miss community? Many have not recovered from the hits we took from the Covid lockdowns. Make it a priority. Pluto in Aquarius will ask us in the next 20 years to give power to groups and organizations and pull out from individual silos.

  • Can you slow down enough to answer an email or text thoughtfully? Talk to a neighbor for more than 2 minutes?

  • Embrace Mindfulness and deep listening skills. I observe so many conversations through distracted lenses and information is lost. Being Present opens up a whole new world.

  • What skills do you have to bring into this new future that WILL be created by us? - do not depend on being saved. It may be the most rewarding thing you ever do.

  • When a community starts to listen to each other, pull together and work towards a common goal…then anything is possible! In the words of a powerful Pisces, and former US representative, John Lewis - “Never, Ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble. “ He gave his heart & soul to the collective.

December 21st brings the Winter Solstice, a time to relax, reflect, cocoon a bit and rest. Wishing you quality snuggle time with your fuzzy friends, on a snowy night.

Merry Christmas and Happy Solstice,

in peace~ Jan

The Storyteller by Wendy Andrews


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