Embrace Uncertainty

Join the wave of Change

Artwork by Peter Max

August has an emphasis on the mutable signs, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. All changeable and adaptable in their own way. They will ask us to do the same. For most of August ( 8th - 20th) Venus in Virgo , will square Mars and Jupiter in Gemini, and oppose Saturn in Pisces. This forms a T-Square, or a point of tension. It pushes us to act on something depending of course how it interacts in your natal chart. In general , it is a time to analyze how we see ourselves and any negative self-talk we may be engaged with. The Pisces energy will ask how we balance sacrifice and service and perhaps how our sense of self fits into the mix. In mutable signs , there is a flexibility in the energy , the trick is to not over adapt, but show some boundaries that restore a positive sense of self. Mars with Jupiter in the mental sign of Gemini will ramp up conversations as well and can lead to overly aggressive speech!

Chiron turned retrograde on 7/23 in Aries and will continue until the end of the year. Chiron, the wounded healer, has been in this sign since 2018. While not a planet, Chiron serves as an energy to remind us of our deepest emotional and spiritual wounds and where we still need to heal. In the collective the sign of Aries , it is the very masculine energy of the leader and warrior. In retrograde status we are again reminded of wounds that masculine energy still contains, but more importantly, the wounds of effective leadership. There is much discussion about the vacuum of great leadership at a time when we need it the most. Old models of the patriarchy are being dissolved and it is time to evolve to the next stage…but first , beliefs in what masculinity is and can be needs continued healing and release from warrior trauma and expectations.

In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man ( woman) is King ( Queen).

It is worth noting that the Democratic Convention will begin on 8/19. Based on the astrology of that date, a Full Moon in Aquarius opposite the King sun sign of Leo, there will be a closure of leadership.

The T-Square mentioned above will also be exact during that week. Adjustments are likely. Mercury will be in Leo conjunct the Full Moon and RETROGRADE! Lots of emotional discussion! This is an amazing point to note as retrogrades can indicate time to re-think previous decisions. We will witness the ultimate opportunity to change the path of the United States and truly lead, meaning choices made on behalf of the country, not a few individuals that enjoy being in power.

Let’s review 2 options to lead, as Joe Biden has bowed out as of mid-July. When I started this post , the stage was still unknown, but seems to be headed to select Kamala as the Democratic candidate. Should she become official, she will represent a changing of the guard giving excitement and new energy at both the President and V.P. level.

For the sake of comparison, let’s review a front runner - Governor Gavin Newson of CA. He has been in public service/politics since 2004. A Libra Sun with Virgo rising, he shows up in the public as a confident , passionate leader. Much of this is due to his Pluto and Uranus conjunction on his Ascendant. He is much more than a civil servant since his Sun is also in the first house of leadership. Emotionally his Moon is in the sign of Capricorn, controlled and pragmatic, also trines his Ascendant. Gavin has charisma and projects well to the public.

Additional aspects to his rising sign ( or how others see him) is Mars squaring his Ascendant. For some he may appear abrasive and argumentative. I suspect he does not hold back on promoting his beliefs, as Mars is in Sagittarius. As he approaches his second Saturn return, he has probably tempered his assertiveness, but the potential always exists. His North Node in Aries trines his Jupiter in the 12th, giving him luck behind the scenes. I see his purpose in the North Node as a transformational leader.

To achieve an extremely outer world position as the President of the USA, a strong Saturn placement or well-aspected Midheaven is usually noted. In Gavin’s case he has neither. In regards to upcoming 8/19 transits, the mutable T-square noted above exactly locks in to his first house planets, indicating responsibilities being forced on him that he may not want. Pluto on the ascendant is a forceful sense of self. The surprise element again, is transiting Uranus in Taurus, making a close trine to his Uranus in the 1st house. Jupiter will also top his midheaven giving him a huge career boost.

Gavin Newsom 10/10/67 5:13am, San Francisco, CA

Next , let’s look at the logical option, the current VP of the USA, Kamala Harris. She is also a Libra Sun, with Gemini rising. Also note that the North Node is exactly on her Ascendant and it is the top of a fortunate Kite pattern in her chart. Her Sun is also in a Grand Trine to Saturn and the Ascendant. The Moon in Aries adds one more piece to the leadership karma that is strong in her chart. While she is emotionally a warrior, her challenge seems to be with how she expresses her energy with Mars in Leo.

Her Mars is square by both Jupiter and Neptune in fixed signs. With Mars in the house of communications, she is learning or may need to adapt to more fluid ways of expressing her values and power. For me personally , she seems rather robotic at times. This may be from years as a Prosecuting Attorney. Another factor is Neptune rules the Midheaven, making her outer image, fuzzy or at best abstract. I suggest she use that Pisces Midheaven to be visionary, which is needed at the juncture. Saturn is conjunct her Midheaven and also adds a seriousness to her outer image.

Kamala will enjoy Jupiter on the Ascendant in the next few months , which will also trine her Sun and Saturn! Great for self-expression. personal growth and shining on her North Node, the soul path. You can see this in the recent ground-swell of enthusiasm for her potential nomination.

Kamala Harris 10/20/64 9:28pm, Oakland, CA

So how does this tie together? They are both successful politicians with very visible positions of power. Oddly enough both are Librans from California. Libra is depicted by the scales of justice, as those with Libra energy can more readily see both sides of a given issue. Our equations of balance have tilted too far to left brain thinking and needs to incorporate the right brain, intuitive, feminine power. We all carry both of these energies within, but balance is the key.

If I had to make a call, I would say that the traditional path will win out, meaning Kamala will become the new candidate. As of today, Gavin has declined interest. I still think he has influence behind the scenes. In regards to the VP slot, astrology reveals that Mark Kelly has great compatibility with Kamala. Unfortunately his birth time is not available , so I cannot run his exact chart.

Meta Muse Moment

Collective anxiety is at an all-time high. Rising mental health issues, additive behavior and general unease permeate the air…and no wonder with everything coming at us. This is fear of the future, plain and simple. Time to scroll out to the BIG picture. We are in the last throes of Pluto in Capricorn this year . Those that enjoy power, ridiculous wealth and forcing their beliefs on others are feeling the edge. IF you are reading this newsletter, you probably are feeling just the opposite. BIG change is coming which means allowing the old ways of leadership both collectively and how you run your life to shift from “me” to “we”. This happens through an upgrade in consciousness, explained via the 100th Monkey effect.

The hundredth monkey effect is an esoteric idea claiming that a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea.

We must focus on our thoughts & beliefs and not get sucked into negative biased media and know what can be true. We create our lives everyday and it is vital that the focus be on the best possible outcome, not a sullen compromise, because “that’s the way it has been”.

More and more, we are being shown the truth. Joe Biden’s failure at the debate was the best thing that could happen for this election. Same for the outrageous decisions by the “Supreme” court. The truth came out and there is choice in the universe again for something new and more inclusive…a revolution if you will to reinvent the United States.

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking when we created them.

Albert Einstein - old soul Pisces



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