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- Let's muse - JUNE 2024
Let's muse - JUNE 2024
Information overload ahead

photo by Ian Ely
Surf’s up! June is starting with the Sun, Venus and Jupiter’s movement in Gemini, the sign of quick and changeable communication. Mercury will join these planets in Gemini on June 3rd. This is a lot of mental stimulation for at least the first half of the month. Although Jupiter will go back and forth for its once every 12 year cycle in the dualistic sign of Gemini, the first few weeks it will trine Pluto in Aquarius enhancing all forms of communication via technology. If you have any personal planets in the Air signs, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius , expect more social opportunities and increased connections. This is also a good time to hunker down on learning, reading and writing if you have felt blocked.
All this mental stimuli can be stressful for our nervous systems, so do pace yourself and ground every now and then. Our society is still in the throws of conversation about social media and addictive behavior with media, texting and senseless chatter. Jupiter will keep this in the spotlight. Do yourself a favor and limit your media intake to a few hours a day or have a digital black-out day once a week. I promise you, it will all be there when you return.
Whatever Jupiter touches grows and in this case, an air of optimism overlays our thinking - big ideas abound as well as a few overboard opinions about religious and political beliefs because Jupiter is ruled by Sagittarius. Balance will be the key as our higher learning institutions have been increasing filled with student protests over political beliefs particularly affairs on foreign soil. Your natal Pluto zodiac sign indicates your generation and what areas your age group will impact. The current college group ages 19-25 all have Pluto in Sagittarius. This has a truth to power energy - much needed in these times. As mentioned above, they are here to impact and bring awareness to injustices around our politics, religion and legal institutions which will challenge our beliefs.
Saturn in Pisces will be squaring Jupiter later this summer and putting the brakes on some of the over expansion or at least setting some sort of boundaries on the scope of the dialogue. I expect either way the tension will continue. Expect updates on the square in the July muse as it becomes more exact.
Person of the Month Muse - Jon Stewart
To elaborate on the Jupiter in Gemini trine Pluto aspect that occurs this month, it seems most appropriate to look at well-known figures that exhibit these energies. 1962 was a wonderful year that captured a cohort of souls that were born with Uranus conjunct Pluto opposite Jupiter. Let’s look at Jon Stewart, the creator of the Daily Show, who is well known for his outrageous, pointed commentary on world events - primarily in challenging our beliefs ( Jupiter) around politics ( also Jupiter)…..and by the way he is a Sag as well! The most obvious aspect is his T-square ( highlighted in red below) in mutable signs. Jon has found his passion, talking about how to balance beliefs when they go too far, particularly in large powerful institutions. He advocates for those that are in need, victims and minorities. He often shows great empathy for the collective as seen in his Jupiter in Pisces.
In many ways his energy is almost that of a preacher, getting our attention to see great injustices and broken systems that need correction. Uranus challenge aspects give us the reformer, the radical who ideally creates change in society and ultimately within ourselves. In the signs of Pisces and Virgo, these energies work towards service and compassion. To those of you that have watched his show and his return this year, he has been almost brought to tears on the various topics he discussed and his famous opening monologues. As Jupiter comes along and completes a mutable Grand Cross on his chart, expect Jon to continue to adapt to change and be even more motivated to speak his truth!

NOTE: Birthtime unknown
Grounding and why it is important
June’s planetary energies are mostly in water and air planets, with only Mars and Uranus in Taurus. This creates and imbalance of practical movement and lots of emotion and mental drama. If you catch yourself getting caught up in emotional messaging hooks ( they are everywhere!) take a time out and ground your energy. Best practice and extremely easy is to kick your shoes off and stand on the earth directly for 10-15 minutes. If you live by the ocean, the beach serves as an excellent grounding source …but take those shoes off! Our bodies are electrical in nature as well as the Earth , so when we connect the two, we literally ground our wired energies into the earth. One of the reasons camping is so rewarding is that your body gets to lay on the earth all night.
Believe me - this really works! I will head to the backyard to blow off the energy of a bad meeting, conversation or simply a frazzled day. The link below will take you to The Earthing Movie. Give yourself a time out and watch this documentary. Warning for you skeptics…science is involved to prove why this works.

Your moment of Zen
Neptune in Pisces at 29 degrees
Neptune has been in its rulership sign of Pisces for almost 14 years. We are witnessing the final dissolution of almost all borders and boundaries in our feelings. Our consciousness is wide open, feeling and touching everything, everywhere all at once. All signs move through a 30 degree cycle and when a planet hits 29 degrees that is the final resolution, and in these case, for another 160 years or so. The significance is mission critical. Our collective consciousness is being primed for Neptune’s next move into Aries in 2025. This is a very intuitive, psychic energy asking us to TRUST our senses, the spiritual world and gut feelings. The time has come to begin acting on those intuitions. You will need them for the times ahead. For those that are floating adrift it can be very uncomfortable. Unfortunately when discomfort becomes too intense, many resort to drugs, alcohol or other ways to simply check-out and escape.
Connecting with this energy in a positive way can become inspiring, what artists call being in the flow. Your higher self knows how to lead the way if only we take the limits off and listen to the quiet voice within.
JUNE monthly Muse
All beliefs have energy that act like birthing chambers for the manifestations of your perceived reality.
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