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- Let's muse - MAY 2024
Let's muse - MAY 2024
All Systems - GO!
The action and speed of planetary energies continue on for May, most notably Mercury, our communication juggler has joined up with Mars in it’s ruling sign of Aries. Watch for sharp, pointed language for the first half of the month as we want to do everything quickly. Aries is direct and rarely has reluctance to be confrontational. This will ease off later in the month when Mercury will shift into Taurus. Our mental processing will slow down a bit and become more pragmatic.
Mars , the warrior planet, is charged up and ready for assertive action all month. Expect more discussion if not more engagement with war, weapons and might makes right triggers. Depending where Aries falls within your chart, expect the energy for initiation to be high - Aries is a cardinal sign and wants to move forward~ maybe for one of your favorite projects. Use it wisely.
Still riding the wave of the 14 year cycle, Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in Taurus is bringing positive possibilities for expansion and lightning bright ideas in your life. Since the sign of Taurus is involved, expect luxury, money and a sense of practicality to be an overarching piece of the puzzle. Could this be a money -making idea? I have been encouraging everyone within my orb to be bold and try something new , no matter how different it may feel. In fact innovation is a hallmark of the planet Uranus - where some of best scientific and technological ideas come from. The quick expansion of AI is showing up everywhere and quicker than most of us can process. Expect digital currency to continue a path of change and growth as well. Jupiter is enhancing this pattern through out May as well as over financial markets. I suspect it’s impact is also affecting inflation and cost of goods.
The Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus means many things. First , Jupiter rules our core long-held beliefs - the cornerstone to many of our behaviors. Jupiter is also about great cycles of expansion. Secondly, Uranus rules sudden , unexpected waves of enlightenment and new insights of possibilities not yet realized. The sign of Taurus is ruled by Venus, the guardian of relationships, money and how we spend/earn it, but mostly our VALUES. Since Uranus entered Taurus back in 2019, the collective has seen a remarkable shift in these particular areas ( hint ..hint …remember the rattling effect of COVID?) We are in the closest phase of these energies , giving you the power to Expand and Change your beliefs in ways that will affect your relationships, how you think of money and resources as well as what you are willing to do to earn money. Your relationship to your values will also change in ways you may not have imagined as well.
Putting this all together creates magical change that you can apply to your life now.
I must share one of my favorite parables that seems especially pertinent.
Two young boys, one optimist, one pessimist. Both boys were left alone in a room with a big pile of horse poo in the middle of the floor. It was a scientific experiment.
They were both given shovels.
The scientists left the room and when they came back in a few hours they noticed something amazing! One little boy had a scowl on his face and was sitting angrily with his back against a wall in the corner of the room. His arms were folded across his chest and his shovel sitting in the floor next to him.
He yelled. “Why did you leave us alone in here with all this shit??? It stinks in here. It’s nasty! I want OUT of here….NOW!!!
The other little boy was the opposite. He was smiling wide engrossed by shoveling fast into the pile of shit. He looked up happily and said:
“With all this shit in here…there’s bound to be a pony SOMEWHERE!!”
My friends … where is the pony in your life right now?!! Get digging.
Saturn, the planet of structure, continues its 2.5 year tour of Pisces. At 16-18 degrees for this month, it may mostly be felt by any planets you have between 15-19 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo and of course Pisces. You see Saturn is asking our mutable signs to slow down and park some flexibility for structure. Have you ever tried to slow down Gemini to one thought or project? Well, best to take this opportunity to put some boundaries around ONE idea and get it grounded - not all bad. Under the sign of Pisces, which rules spirituality & consciousness , YOU get to create the kind of structures you want to exist within. Saturn in Pisces has that grounded energy that lets us create something from our visions, the unseen. Have faith and test the waters, go with your feelings. You are ready to do the hard work, so get on with it. : )
Speaking of transits , Pluto continues its crawl through the sign of Aquarius. At 2 degrees it is having a slow transformative affect on all fixed signs within 0-4 degrees . I am talking about Leo, Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius, particularly your personal planets the Sun, Moon, Venus and your Ascendant. As the fixed signs are the last to sign up for change, this transit will hit you with a subtle intensity that bring some sort of lasting change, that in some cases was well over-due. Do your best to relax, breathe and accept the reinvention of yourself, hanging on will only cause more pain. It’s a bit like a snake shedding some old skins, you are still the same person but you finally let go of some patterns that were holding you back. Pluto will do its annual retrograde movement on 5/2, so it’s time for an internal review of what has been changing.
If you have been feeling that time is speeding up , I would say you are correct. The planets are all happy to continue their forward movement now that Mercury is direct again. The notable exception being Pluto. When planets are moving forward through the zodiac signs , life is moving quickly and forward . The external world has your attention. Make sure to take breaks and relax , smell the flowers, start your garden, have a nice dinner. It is May after all. Summer is inviting us forward and more to come in June when Jupiter goes into Gemini!

Wise Words for the month
Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly