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- Metaphysical Musings - JULY 2024
Metaphysical Musings - JULY 2024
Expect the Unexpected and stay calm

Astrology Rocks!!
July begins with a wide conjunction of Mars and Uranus in Taurus, that becomes more exact as the month goes on. This combines the planet of action ( Mars) with the erratic, innovative, electrical energy of Uranus. If you have fixed planets in the range of 22-29 degrees of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius or Leo you will feel the effect most of all. All the signs mentioned are Fixed energy signs, which normally do not appreciate sudden change, especially Taurus. This final push will awaken how we handle/spend money and how we value ourselves for the last time. It may also bring changes on what you really want. Be open to sudden insights and be willing to change direction, if you are nudged to try something new. Trying something new is not all bad and sometimes that is exactly what we need to get our attention. Uranus is called the Great Awakener for a reason.
Also by July 2nd, both Saturn and Neptune will be retrograde. Pluto is already retrograde as it continues its path slowly back into Capricorn for the last time later this year. So what does this mean?
Retrograde Energy
When planets go backward, their energy goes within, or into a more introspective place, as opposed to showing up in the outside world. Saturn retrograde in Pisces will ask us to restructure or integrate some limits that may feel imposing. What structures are missing in your life as well as what ones need to simply be release. In the sign of Pisces this could deal with unconscious actions or simply behaviors that we need to release.
Saturn rules structure, things like time, large organizations, government regulations, limitations and boundaries. As we have seen since 2023 when Saturn entered Pisces , time seems exceptionally fluid, our boundaries and borders are less enforced, same for many guidelines and rules. Remember when you HAD to show up at the office? Now it is negotiable. This can be unsettling, but there is something to be gained in some of it too. Ask yourself , do you blindly follow rules and/or authority figures without questioning the truth of the situation? You set the rules and rhythm of your life by following your intuition. Another way is to show more trust in the Universe is to let the process unfold and let go of any perceived limitations, both internal and external. You may be guided to a better result, perhaps better than you imagined.
Expect this trend to continue until Saturn moves on to Aries next year for some course correction.
Neptune, in its ruling sign of Pisces, will not go direct until December of this year. Its affect on consciousness is also driving us to a place of release and asks us where are faith is being placed. We are collectively preparing for Neptune’s transit into Aries next year, when Neptune energy will be felt very differently and more personally. For now during the retrograde period at 29 degrees, connect internally via meditation, yoga, spiritual groups, music or any other practice that gives you a firm connection with Spirit, aka The Force. This is a skill that will help us create and stay grounded in the coming years of change and rebuilding.
You’re Never Prepared to start something you’ve never done before - so let go of that. Start playing with creative energy in a more intentional way and see what appears. It takes practice, imagination and a great deal of trust!
Back to Mars - Uranus energy. When these 2 planets are close together, they indeed cause collective surprises ( pay attention July 14-17) , but a great capacity for reinvention if you have this aspect in your natal chart. I looked at a few celebrity charts that might have this aspect. There were several eclectic personalities to choose from, but I had to go for Robert Downey Jr. - well known for many reasons, not always in a positive light. He certainly had his moment of glory this year, receiving an Oscar as Best Supporting actor in the movie, “ Oppenheimer”.
His Mars /Uranus conjunction is in the sign of Virgo, second house placement , close to Saturn and Pluto. This is a very challenging energy and features his self-worth as well as how he earns money. Whenever Mars is involved it affects our physical body and how we are seen in the world. He has morphed from a drug addict with several divorces into one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. An Aries by Sun sign , along with Venus and Mercury, action is his form of self-expression. His acting displays the Mars/Uranus aspect but gets caught up in Virgo perfection and pushing the boundaries on about everything. Acting would be the choice that allowed him to grab the many quirky rolls of Sherlock Holmes, Ironman, Charlie Chapman and a few goofy ones along the way. Those particular roles display the unique, rebel sort of energy that Mars/Uranus displays with the Pluto intensity that shows in his performances.

Significant Full Moon in Capricorn - July 21
Take special note where late degrees of Capricorn and Cancer sit within your chart . This Full moon, or the Buck Moon, occurs at 29 degrees of Capricorn and is also the 2nd Full moon in Capricorn. This Moon is opposite the Sun in Cancer.
The Buck Moon is a time when bucks drop their antlers, giving meaning of renewal and growth to the next stage. Time to shed old emotional patterns as well as balance between what makes you feel secure internally vs. how the outside world rules make you feel.
There is an additional energy on this particular moon, as Pluto is conjunct the moon almost exactly at 29 degrees, implying a sense of urgency to address what may be going on in the houses of your chart impacted by the Full Moon and NOT being addressed! Pluto likes to keep things hidden, but also brings deep transformation. Pluto also forms a perfect trine to Mars in Gemini. Some forceful communication involving the internet or social media is a possibility.
This applies to the collective as well as our personal lives.

July’s energy will pick up after the 22nd with plenty of play time as 3 personal planets will be in the sign of Leo.
These are highlights of July energies to observe in your life and the larger picture around you. Don’t forget to play in the sun and laugh at yourself as needed. It’s the world we create with our beliefs, thoughts and emotional reactions. Most of all practice an attitude of gratitude each day to give a nod to the Universe that you want more of that which makes you happy.
I trust you are enjoying the Muse and I would love to hear from you , my readers. Send me an email @ [email protected] with comments and forward your copy to anyone in your circle that may enjoy the Muse.
Final Musing Thought
Love yourself, Know yourself, but most of all BE yourself with reckless abandon - after all everyone else is already taken…